Friday, August 12, 2011

More soaps that kiss your skin


These are the same soaps as my Piano,  minus the keys.  

They came to trace so fast that I didn't get a chance to put in all the keys.  I was a little disappointed at first, but after unmolding and cutting them, I slowly came to appreciate the simplicity of the soap.

If you look carefully, you'll see two layers of soap, with the lighter layer at the bottom and a slightly darker layer on top.  The funny thing is, these two layers are made with the same recipe - same oil, same water discount, and same temperature.   They're made a week apart, but I'm not sure if it makes any difference.

The weather here in Toronto has been wicked all summer. It was cool and dry at first, making you wonder if summer would ever come at all.  Then all of a sudden, the temperature shot up practically overnight and put the entire city into the oven for a looooong roast.  I can deal with heat, but I can't handle heat with humidity.  My soaps have been sweating for weeks, and I'm so tired of wiping them every other day!

So, to those wise soapmakers out there, what do you do to deal with the summer humidity?



  1. I have a dehumidifier plugged in near my soaps, the bonus is I use the water on my poor thirsty plants.

  2. Wish we had the same problem as you, here, in August, it is already damp and feeling like Autumn - I hate it !!

  3. The air conditioning helps.  And I keep most of the soaps in the basement as they are curing, which is nice and cool.  No sweaty soaps!  Sorry you are having issues with this.  :(

  4. Simple soaps are hugely underrated sometimes.  These turned out beautiful!  About the weather, dehumidifiers are sooo helpful in a soaping studio!  

  5. That's a brilliant idea to reuse the collected water!

  6. Already?  How long is your winter!?

  7. Amy, I've thought about air conditioning, not to keep my place cool but to dehumidify the air.  For some sadistic reason, I decided to suffer through the heat ( so I'll earn the right to complain about the cold during our always-too-long winter :P ).  

  8. Dehumidifier is beginning to sound *very* appealing now.  :)  I've always thought that the cool and dry Canadian weather would never cause me any headache when it comes to soap curing, but the weather this year has proven me very wrong! 

  9. Look wonderful!

  10. We use a dehumidifier too - it's just so comforting to know that the soap is well cured.  I've just bought a bigger one for my soap and put my first one into my bathroom.  I now have dry towels and no mould in the bathroom.  

  11. Ive got the same problem here is not sunny South England, its cold and wet and humid too, my soaps are sweating like crazy.  I'm thinking of getting a de-humidifier to see if that would work, I just don't know what else to do, like you, I'm fed up with wiping them!!  I agree though, the simplicity of that soap is beautiful

  12. Hi Maggie, we have dreadful humidity here too, it's terrible, I really hate the summer and when the soaps sweat, it's such a pain.  Do you have Damp Rid there?  I've been thinking of a dehumidifier too but because of the cost haven't bought one, but I find by using a few buckets of Damp Rid near my soaps, it stops them from sweating.

  13. Thank you Susana!

  14. It seems that dehumidifier is the way to go.  I like the sound of dry towels, especially after a hot shower on a cold winter day!

  15. I'm glad that I'm not alone here! =)  Dehumidifier is beginning to sound more and more appealing now.  Who knows?  Maybe we'll both invest in one next year!

  16. Hi Jan,  Damp Rid, eh?  I haven't heard of it (but then there are a lot of things I have never heard of), I'll certainly look for it here in Toronto.  It'd be great if Damp Rid is the solution to my misery.  Thank you so much for sharing!

  17. Just thinking Maggie, if you can't get Damp Rid there, which is a Brand Name, maybe you could find a similar product with different name, look for something that says, Moisture Absorber or prevents mold and mildew, that's what it says on the Damp Rid packet.  Good luck!

  18. Hello Maggie, I want to know your email. Can I?

  19. Sure, it's

  20. This soap looks so silky smooth and healthy for my skin.  Since this is a simple soap without extra special ingredients would you be willing to share the recipe.  Or....maybe a tutorial on how to make it.   If this is possible I would appreciate it so much.  Rita

  21. TwobloomsdesignstudioSeptember 16, 2011 at 1:51 PM

    It was a heat wave here last week-end (I'm in Victoria, BC) and yes I get soaps that sweat too and I just try to air them upstairs where it's drier but I too have to wipe my soap tops off from time to time.


  22. Thanks Jan!  You're such a sweetheart!

  23. I've emailed your the recipe.  Enjoy!

  24. Hi Michelle,  it was still that hot on the other side of the country?  It's cooled down here for some time, and boy am I glad! =)
