Wednesday, August 3, 2011


One of my dearest friends from high school is expecting her first baby.   What do you, a confessed soap-addict, do when you hear good news like that?

Whip up a ton of soap of course!

These piano soaps are my tribute to my girlfriend's love for music.  She is aspired to be a music therapist because she believes in the power of music.  I know her baby will be the luckiest kid on earth!

The final product isn't exactly what I had in mind.  The "black keys" are kind of crooked, and the "white keys" aren't exactly white.   The yellowish tint comes from chamomile-infused olive oil, and I kind of like it this way because the color serves almost like a telling sign to my not-so-secret ingredient.

The infused olive oil sped up the thickening time and I only had very little time to put in the black keys.  I end up with only five of these piano soaps, but since I love them so much, I'll be sure to make more (so I can keep some to myself too!).


  1. That is so CUTE!!!

  2. What a fabulous, unique idea!!  She's going to be thrilled!

  3. As always with your soaps..beautiful work, Maggie!

  4. What a fantastic idea! I think Your friend will like it so much.

  5. What a great idea!  I kind of like that they're crooked too, it looks more homemade and gives them that special touch.  Super adorbs =)

  6. Imagine pink piano keys for a little princess... That'd be even cuter!

  7. Thanks Amy!  I can't wait to see her expression when I give her the soap!

  8. As always, thank you C'bong!

  9. Petra,
    I hope the soap will bring up that beautiful smile of hers. :)

  10. Thank you Marina!

  11. Thank you, Anne-Marie!  I'm glad the crooked keys are translated into "homemade" and "special", rather than "imperfection". :)

  12. Thank you, Claudia!

  13. Fantastic idea Maggie! I bet she'll be trilled to bits with these beautiful soaps, love these, they look so original and the colour is great too:)

  14. Thanks Jan!  Ever since I made these soaps, I haven't stopped thinking about making some more soon. :)

  15. TwobloomsdesignstudioSeptember 16, 2011 at 1:52 PM

    What a neat concept and I'm sure your friend loved them. :)

  16. Michelle, now my challenge is to keep them dry until I see her again!
