Saturday, September 17, 2011

That itch you get every once a while

Cocoa Swirl

The itch.  The itch that you have to make some soaps or you'd go crazy because this idea in your head just refuses to go away.  The itch that you know this next batch you're making is going to be your next masterpiece.  It'll come out perfect.

Well, I felt that itch yesterday, and it was the first time in months since I felt the urge to make soap.  Maybe it's a sign of me coming out of my soaping slump!

Cocoa Swirl
I took out all my tools, measured my oils, and lined my mold.  It was so therapeutic, so serene, and so enjoyable.  With beautiful sun outside the window, and some light jazz in the background, it couldn't be more perfect than this - except, it'd be nice if the soap turned out ok.

To be honest, I had no idea what happened.  I'm still scratching my head a day later, wondering what could be the culprit to my disaster.

So, everything went well.  The soap thickened and traced.  Poured it into the mold.  Put the mold in the oven (I always to CPOP my soap) at the lowest temperature.   To my horror, when I went to check on it two hours later, I saw the "soap" spilled all over the bottom of my oven, and the mixture in my mold was just some dirty-looking liquid!

I quickly took out the mold and let the whole thing cool overnight.  It has hardened up, but there's this layer of bright red oil floating on top.  I used red palm for the first time yesterday, and it's the only ingredient that I haven't worked with before.   I think it's red palm, I want to blame it on red palm!

Now I have this ugly soap sitting on my kitchen counter and I'm not sure if it's safe to use (since some of the red palm did not saponify).  It could be slightly lye heavy.  I don't want to rebatch it and use it for laundry because I've heard red palm stains your clothes.

I stare at the soap, and the soap stares back at me.  I really have no idea what happened and what to do with it....

ps.  The soaps in the photos are not my Horribly Ugly.  I actually made these last weekend with a few friends.  We talked, we laughed, and made soaps together.   :)



  1. You call that ugly? UGLY?  Oh my god. You haven't seen ugly.  We could have an ugly soap competition and you would definitely LOSE.  This is another one of your uniquely and beautifully you soaps...  Glad to see you back. xoxo Jen

  2. Oh no, no, no, Jan, these are not the ugly soap!  It's still sitting in the mold! I still have no clues as to what to do with it.   It's still staring at me.

    Well, I should've mentioned that these are not from yesterday, my bad.  I made these last week with a few friends.  Hmm... I really should have mentioned that, don't you think? ;)

  3. I love your cocoa swirl!

  4. This soap is so beautiful. The brown and cream go so well together.

  5. Maggie, muyyyyyy lindo el jabon!!!

  6. Show us the ugly soap then!  We'd love to see it!  Take a picture, then send it to Clean the World.  Except the postage is probably way too much...

    P.S. The "good" soap is very beautiful!

  7. Thank you, Claudia! =)

  8. Petra,  you're right, brown and cream go so well together that you can never go wrong with these two colors!

  9. gracias, Texia! Eres tan dulce.

  10. Dear Amy,  for you, I'll take photos of my ugly soap (with tears).  Give me some time though, I'm heading to Europe for my much-belated honeymoon! yippee! 

  11. You are coming to Europe?  Europe?  Spain perhaps???? Wanna come visit me and make a soap together? Join me on my morning walk along the Mediterranean?  Please say yes!!!  We have a spare bedroom where you and your husband can stay... Let me know! xo Jen

  12. Don't know what the ugly batch looks like, but this one is really lovely, the dark circle really sets it off, I'd like to see the ugly one too, after you come back from your trip that is, lucky you!  have a wonderful time:)
