Sunday, August 8, 2010

Chocolate Square

I love baseball.

But I'm not what you call a baseball fanatic.   I enjoy watching baseball games, but don't ask me about last Friday's game because I usually forget everything by the next morning.  But today, I find myself still replaying yesterday's game in my head.

I went to the ball park with a girlfriend yesterday.  The weather was perfect - sunny with occasional clouds, warm but not too hot.  The pitchers from both teams had a hard time keeping the bats quiet, lots of hits and lots of runs.  The final score?  17 - 11!   The home team was hitting homers left and right, and the balls were like pop corns popping from the home plate.    The long balls definitely entertained the crowd, and I had never been to a ball game with so much thrill!  By the end of the game, my hands were red from clapping too much too hard.

The soap has nothing to do with the game or baseball.  I just like to get the last bit of excitement out of me and turn it into words. ;)

The original plan for this batch was to create two smooth lines and embed squares (cut from my Chocolate Soap) between the lines.  Everything went as planned, and I even started to giggle a little by the time I finished pouring the last drop of soap when I saw the bottle of castor oil sitting quietly at the corner.  Yes, you guess it right, I forgot to put in castor oil and this beautifully molded soap was lye-heavy!!  By this time the mixture was already at heavy trace, but I forced myself to suck it up and dig everything out. I weighted the oil, remixed everything, poured again, and I was so stubborn that I had to re-create the original look.  Of course it didn't come out right, but somehow I'm happy with the look anyway.  

Maybe it's the sweetness of saving a bad batch that makes me love these soaps so much.

Olive oil, Tallow, Coconut oil, Almond oil, Corn oil, Castor oil


  1. LOVE this blog - thank you so much for the inspiration!!

  2. Oh this one is awesome! I just love the soap but also the story behind it! You saved the soap!!! Yes. And once again have created another beautiful and uniquely "between friends" soap! One thing you will not believe - my daughter was at the same Blue Jay game with my mother. You were there in the same stadium!! xo Jen

  3. Hi Jen, what a coincident!! It was a last-minute decision to go to that game, but I certainly enjoyed it. I'm sure your mother and daughter had a lot of fun there too! Go Jays Go!
