Sunday, March 25, 2012

The soap I've made lately

Even though I haven't been churning out soap like I used to, I still find time to try new things with my soap.

Coconut milk with tapioca, anyone?

I wasn't so sure about tapioca balls in soap, but after giving it a try the other day, I've decided to make more!  The only problem is cutting - tapioca balls are way too hard for my soap cutter.   Have to come up with a better solution for my next attempt.

Buttermilk swirl.

I usually don't do multi-colours, but I decided to step out of my comfort zone and gave it a try.  Apparently pairing colours isn't my strong suit...

An ocean-themed sea salt bar.  It's got sea salt and seaweed powder!

I've made sea salt bars numerous times before, but this it the first time the bars stay dry, so dry as if the soap refuses to sweat.  I've never had that happened before, and I wonder if the sea salt I bought is really sea salt at all....  I know weather is not the issue because it actually rained on the day I made it.  Formula isn't responsible for it either because it's the same one I used for my other salt bars.   Sea salt bars that don't sweat are just not right...


  1. If pairing colours is NOT your strong suit, what is it?!? Your Buttermilk swirl one beauty of a soap!

    1. You're so funny and sweet! Thank you for the kind words!

      - Maggie

  2. Your soaps are beautiful!! the colours in your Buttermilk soap are really lovely and do work well together. Nice work xx

    1. Miss Polly,

      I'm glad you like the colours. I was certainly not so sure about the combination. You made me feel much better now!

      - Maggie

  3. I love the look of your sea salt soap. Simple, pure. Love,love.

  4. can I ask, why tapioca balls and not something softer?

    1. Hi Joanna,

      The only reason I chose to use tapioca balls is actually very simple - because some soap makers recommended it in a soap forum. =) They say that tapioca balls absorb water in the shower and soften up to be wonderful massage balls. Sounds like something that you gotta try, doesn't it? ;)

      - Maggie

  5. What's your secret? How do you prevent your milks from discoloring - I tried goat milk soap and it was a beautiful cream color when I first made it. A week later it turned dark brown.

    1. Hi Michelle,

      In my opinion, the key to light coloured milk soap is temperature. That includes the temperature of your milk/lye mixture, the temperature of the oil, and the temperature of the soap in your mold. They all have to be kept cool or else you'll scorch the sugar in your milk, hence the tan or brown colour. My guess is your soap heated up in the mold and therefore darkened from the heat. Next time, try using a tray mold if you have one. I find tray molds ideal for all kinds of milk soap.


  6. I always enjoy trying something new!! Even when it doesn't turn out as planned, at least you've learned something by trying. I would be anxious to try out the tapioca soap - that does sound neat!

    1. Amy, I have to say that tapioca isn't a home run in my household. While I like the way they feel in the shower, my hubby complains about the loose tapioca balls in our tub. :P

      - Maggie

  7. I love these! I'd have to say the ocean-themed sea salt bar is my favorite, I love sea salt and seaweed!

    1. Anne-Marie,

      Oh sea salt and seaweed, don't they just sound like summer?
      Maybe next time I'll add some kind of ocean scent to it to complete the theme!

      - Maggie

  8. Replies
    1. Thank you! I'll try to come up with a more eye-pleasing colour combo next time. ;)

      - Maggie

  9. I am not sure this will work this time...
    Just wanted to post here that the buttermilk soap is a special creamy soap, and I want to thank you Maggie for your tips working with this ingredient :)
    Take care.


    1. Oh Natalia,

      It FINALLY worked!!
      I really appreciated the effort you put in to make it work, and I have to say, your feedbacks bring up a big smile on my face. =D I'm so glad you love buttermilk as well. Now you just can't make soaps without it, can you? hahaha~~

      - Maggie

    2. No ...
      Thanks for your feadback also, it helped me see it FINALLY worked !

