Sunday, March 25, 2012

The soap I've made lately

Even though I haven't been churning out soap like I used to, I still find time to try new things with my soap.

Coconut milk with tapioca, anyone?

I wasn't so sure about tapioca balls in soap, but after giving it a try the other day, I've decided to make more!  The only problem is cutting - tapioca balls are way too hard for my soap cutter.   Have to come up with a better solution for my next attempt.

Buttermilk swirl.

I usually don't do multi-colours, but I decided to step out of my comfort zone and gave it a try.  Apparently pairing colours isn't my strong suit...

An ocean-themed sea salt bar.  It's got sea salt and seaweed powder!

I've made sea salt bars numerous times before, but this it the first time the bars stay dry, so dry as if the soap refuses to sweat.  I've never had that happened before, and I wonder if the sea salt I bought is really sea salt at all....  I know weather is not the issue because it actually rained on the day I made it.  Formula isn't responsible for it either because it's the same one I used for my other salt bars.   Sea salt bars that don't sweat are just not right...