Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Charcoal Swirl with Hemp Seed Oil

Soap making is always full of unexpected surprises, and this time, the surprise is more than pleasant!

I've tried a few "in-the-pot swirls" before, but have never been one hundred percent satisfied with the look.  This time I'm actually pretty happy with the way it turns out, but when I made it, it looked so bad that I was even considering putting these in the "failed" box.

The reason why I thought it would turn out to be disastrous was because the soap came to trace literally in less than 3 minutes.  I turned around to grab my charcoal powder and that's when the soap caught me off guard.  I decided to move quickly and mix in the colour anyway because that was what I had promised to make.   By the time I had the colour ready, the soap was thicker than yogurt.  I scooped the soap into the mold and feared for the worst.  

I let out a small scream of joy after making the first cut.  Sooooo, THIS is how you make in-the-pot swirl!  No wonder I haven't been successfull.  I have to wait a little longer before I swirl!  Isn't it funny how we learn our lessons from the most unexpected "mistakes"?



  1. That is fabulous - it looks rich and dramatic!

  2. Hi Jen, thank you for your kind words, as always. :)
    You're right about Hemp oil, it is tricky to work with. I highly suspect that it's the cause to the unexpected seize. I think next time I'll definitely keep the temperature low to give myself some time with work on either colours or fragrance!

  3. Thank you Celine! Next time I'll be aiming for a "natural stone" look. Fingers crossed!

  4. Now isn't that a stunner ..beautiful, Maggie! It looks like delicate cobwebs, marble and silk all in one :) Tell us about the scent

  5. Oh wow, my 100th comment in Disqus. Anyway - I was thinking maybe you had swirled at a lighter trace since the swirls are so feathery and light. They turned out great! It's always an adventure when you swirl, isn't it? Getting the texture just right isn't easy!

  6. That's right Becky! I'll make another one of those in-the-pot swirls for sure! Now let's hope I'll be able to repeat this "mistake" again. ;)

  7. You're right about that, Anne-Marie, swirling never promises the same result! Every time I swirl, I have to work extra hard to keep myself from unmolding too soon! ;)

  8. Hi Maggie,

    You never know when you will learn from a mistake--or a misadventure:) I really like the pot-swirl effect. Timing is everything. Congratulations on stumbling upon this creative endeavor. Have you experienced what we on occasion have, that you can't sometimes predict when what seems like a sure success will go awry and a challenge turns out to lead you in a whole different direction creatively? Thank you for sharing!

  9. What a nice soap. - The texture looks very nice!!
    LG Heidi

  10. Maggie, we miss you

  11. Thank you Michelle!

  12. Oh those "mistakes"!! Sometimes they are the funniest stories to tell, don't you think?

  13. There's something special about charcoal soap that I like too, and it doesn't hurt to "dress it up" a bit. ;)

  14. Hi Michael,

    I'm sure you have some stories of your own to tell as well! What fun is it when everything is so predictable? ;)

  15. Thanks Heidi, as always. xo

  16. Cocobong,

    It has been a long while since I last made any noise here. I've been away... but now I'm back again. Can't wait to get back to soaping!
