Thursday, December 16, 2010

Sweet Orange

How about some warm sunshine already?

The weather has been gloomy and snowy.  Not that I don't like snow - in fact, I LOVE snow! - but the lack of sunshine has been going on way too long.   Not good, not good at all.

So I decided to whip up a batch of bright and sunny soaps, enhanced with my newly-acquired Sweet Orange 5 Fold essential oil.   I remember reading somewhere that Sweet Orange 10 Fold gives you a lasting citrus scent, but 5 fold is the only close one I could get, I decided to give it a try anyway.

These soaps are my very first batch made with Hubby's soap mold!  He was like a broken record for days, "Have you tried your new mold? Have you tried your new mold? Have you....?"  And after I finally made a batch with the new mold, the track became, "Have you unmolded your soap?  Have you unmolded your soap?  Have you...?"

I guess now he knows the excitement I experience every time I make and cut soaps!

The impressions come from the rubber sheets I found at Michael's.  It's kind of tricky working with the fine details because small air pockets get trapped in there if the trace gets too heavy.  I like the look though, and I'll definitely go back to collect more designs for my soaps!



  1. wow!! i love those!! tell your hubby if he makes ME a new mold, i will use it right away!! ;) funny how i was just looking at my bottle of sweet orange oil and thinking of making a batch of soap... mine won't be as pretty though. happy Christmas to you! Christine

  2. Hi Maggie -these soaps are FABULOUS! Such a crisp, clean impression in the bars. The color is just so pretty...I could drool over these for hours. Great job, m'dear! :) ~Becky

  3. right..and who/what is michaels?

  4. Thank you, Amy! I really love the mold hubby made me, I love the versatility and the sturdiness. All in all, it's my dream mold!
