Wednesday, August 18, 2010

If You Love to Make Soap....

.... then you'll LOVE this book : The Art of Soap by Debbie Chialtas.

Debbie is known to the soap world for her stunning and creative works, such as her award-winning Typography Soap and these unbelievably delicious PB&J Marshmallows.  (I'm still scratching my head, "How did she do it?")  

Debbie is in the process of putting together this book that features 24 soap artisans and their wonderful soap creations.  I don't know about you, but for someone whose mind is always wondering what kind of soap to make next, I just can't wait to get my hands on it!

Ok, ok, there's another reason why I'm so excited about this book.  Just check out this update from Debbie and you'll see why. 

The Art of Soap will be available this fall.  In the meantime, subscribe to her newsletter for occasional sneak peeks and updates!


  1. Woah! Congratulations! Beautiful soaps and you are in a book! xo Jen

  2. Thanks Jen! I'm super excited! Since I'm pretty low key, this is probably as showy as I can be. :P
