Tuesday, July 6, 2010

My First In-the-pot Swirl

I found this great video about swirling, and the video had been replaying non-stop in my head ever since.  I had to try the swirl to get it out of my system!  Unfortunately, the result isn't quite I expected.

I was hoping for more fine lines and more curves, but this is what I got.
Sometimes I wonder if "good" swirling requires a large mold, either a long and narrow log mold, or a wide and flat slab mold.  All my molds are small, the largest one can only take up to 800g of oil.  I've been wishing for a nice wooden mold, but it's so hard to find an affordable mold here in Toronto!

I n g r e d i e n t s :
Olive oil, Lard, Coconut oil

Made on 2010-06-09

1 comment:

  1. Welcome Maria!
    Thank you for visiting my blog, I enjoy admiring your soaps too, so beautiful!
